of Reedy Springs Lodge
Evington-Newman Lodge
of Evington-Newman Lodge
Stated Meeting May 19, 2016
Right Worshipful Aubrey Howard Mason,
Jr. with Most Worshipful James Edward Litten
171st Grand Master of Masons in
Right Worshipful Aubrey Howard Mason,
Jr. with Most Worshipful G.H. Jones III and Grand Master
2006 and seated Most Worshipful James Edward Litten
Grand Master of Masons in Virginia 2016
District Deputy Grand Master 2016
William Earl Pearson presenting certificate and badge to
Worshipful Herbert Maston "Matt" Reedy 2016
District Instructor of Work
District Deputy Grand Master William
Earl Pearson presenting certificate and badge to Right
Worshipful Ray Allen Dooley, Committee on Work
From left to right: Worshipful Herbert
Maston "Matt" Reedy, Daniel DeJarnette Jr.,
Worshipful Daniel DeJarnette Sr., Senior Deacon William
David Webb
At the alter with District Deputy
Grand Master William Earl Pearson, Most Worshipful James
Edward Litten Grand Master of Masons in Virginia 2016,
Right Worshipful George Bradley Phillips